Karya Nusatama: Jual Syma X5SC Quadcopter pLus Camera

Jual Syma X5SC Quadcopter pLus Camera

Inspect roof tiles, keep an eye on the kids or go for a high flying tour of the neighbourhood with this cool drone from Syma. Equipped with a HD camera on the underside, this quadcopter can hover high above the garden and record video quite literally on-the-fly. Not only that, but this gyro-stabilised flying machine can also take high quality photos from the air, perfect for large group shots (and much more fun than sending the photographer up a ladder). The drone itself is super simple to fly, thanks to the 6-axis flight control systems and on board stabilisers. Feel like pulling off a flashy mid-air manoeuvre? Simply hit a button and it'll perform a full flip in the air.

Spesifications :
  • 4-channel quadcopter camera drone
  • Records HD video
  • 6-axis flight control system
  • Operates on 2.4G frequency
  • Gyro-stabilised
  • Can perform mid-air flip
  • Headless flight mode
  • 50 metre control range
  • 100 minute charge time
  • Seven minute flight time
  • Includes charging cable
  • Requires 4 x AA batteries
  • 31cm wide

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