Karya Nusatama: Jual Warom BAJ52-20 Ex-Proof Lamp Mata Kucing

Jual Warom BAJ52-20 Ex-Proof Lamp Mata Kucing

Banyak digunakan dalam lingkungan yang ekstrem dan berbahaya ( Hazardous Area Zona 1, Zona 2, Zona 21, Zona 22 ), anatara lain dalam Industri Minyak Bumi , Industri Petrokimia , Industri Perkapalan , Industri Pertambangan , Industri Militer , Industri Metalurgi , Industri Pembangkit Listrik , Industri Transmisi Listrik , Industri Kereta Api , Keamanan Publik dan Pemadam Kebakaran, dll

Spesifikasi :

Explosion protection to
  • -Can be used in Zone 1 and Zone 2
  • -Enclosure in copper-free aluminium, powder-coated external surface, rape yellow (RAL1021).
  • -Lighting angle can be adjusted.
  • -Low-power halogen tungsten lamps, with reflector to increase lighting intensity.
  • -Emergency device with NI-MH batteries, charging automatically; when power supply is cut off, the emergency device starts to work; with over charge and over discharge protection.
  • -Toughened glass cover resistant to temperature changes.

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