Karya Nusatama: Jual DispensMate Bottletop Dispensers Scilogex

Jual DispensMate Bottletop Dispensers Scilogex

* 0.5 - 5 ml / 0.1  Cat.NO. 731100019999
* 1.0 - 10 ml / 0.2  Cat.NO. 731100029999
* 2.5 - 25.0 ml / 0.5  Cat.NO. 731100039999
* 5.0 - 50.0 ml / 1.0  Cat.NO. 731100049999

Features :
- Smooth piston design
- Excelent chemicals resistance
- Fully autoclavable at 121OC
- Quick and precise volume adjustment
- Easy to clean and maintain, tool supplied
- Ant-drip cap prevents accidental discharge
- Without reservoir bottle

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