Karya Nusatama: Jual Davis Instrument 6372 Wireless Temperature Station

Jual Davis Instrument 6372 Wireless Temperature Station

The Davis Instruments 6372 Vantage Pro2 Wireless Temperature Station is battery powered and includes a stainless steel temperature probe with 12' cable, which can be used to measure air, water or soil temperature. The transmitter and battery are located inside a weather-resistant shelter. Mounting hardware is also included.

Data can be viewed on the Vantage Pro2 console/receiver or Weather Envoy and WeatherLink Software. The battery life is six to nine months under normal conditions.

Note: The Davis Instruments 6372 Vantage Pro2 Wireless Temperature Station is not compatible with the original Vantage Pro (Vantage Pro "1"). It will only work with the Vantage Pro2 line of products.

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