Karya Nusatama: Jual GE Druck PACE 6000 Pneumatic Pressure Controller

Jual GE Druck PACE 6000 Pneumatic Pressure Controller


28 selectable pressure units and 4 user defined units
Switch Test, Leak Test, Test Program, Burst Test, Analogue output and Volt Free
Contact options
Aeronautical option
High resolution colour touch screen operation
Intuitive icon task driven menu structure
Compatible with software packages
RS232, IEEE connectivity, Ethernet and USB as standard
Selection of Chassis and interchangeable control modules:
PACE6000 = Dual Channel Pressure Controller - System Chassis
Fits 1 or 2 Control Modules inside the system chassis = up to 2 Pressure Controllers
Single, dual or auto range control module configurations
PACE5000 = Single Channel Pressure Controller - System Chassis
Fits 1 Control Module inside the system chassis = 1 Pressure Controller
Same functionality as the PACE6000 just 1 controller instead 2

High speed pressure control (less than 10 seconds to set point with 0 overshoot)speed pressure control
Up to 210 bar (3000 psi/21 MPa) gauge & absolute
Long-term stability up to 0.01% rdg per annum
Barometric reference option
Negative gauge calibration included as standard
CM0 Control Modules (Standard Accuracy)
Accuracy = +/- 0.04% Full Scale
Gauge pressures with CM0
Gauge and absolute pressures with CM0-B
CM1 Control Modules (High Accuracy)
Accuracy = +/- 0.02% Full Scale
Gauge pressures with CM1
Include barometric sensor and you get gauge and absolute pressures with CM1-B
CM2 Control Modules (Premium Accuracy)
Accuracy = +/- 0.02% Full Scale
Gauge pressures with CM2
Include barometric sensor and you get gauge and absolute pressures with CM2-B

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