Karya Nusatama: Jual Isotech Fast-Cal | Dry Block Calibrator

Jual Isotech Fast-Cal | Dry Block Calibrator

The Isotech Fast-Cal dry block calibrator is a rugged, lightweight, easy-to-use calibrator with stainless steel housing. The hygienic housing of the Fast-Cal has no paint, eliminating the chance of chipping or flaking. While Isotech calibrators are easy-to-use, a soft, lightweight shoulder case makes transporting the Fast-Cal nearly effortless. Two inserts are available for the Fast-Cal, a standard insert and an insert that is optimized for hospital validation systems.

The block gradients of the Isotech Fast-Cal dry block calibrator are minimized by non-linear heating and cooling profiles to compensate for end losses to ambient temperature. Three temperature ranges are available with the Fast-Cal: -35 to +140°C (low), -30 to +350°C (medium) and 35 to +650°C (high). The low range features a stability of 0.02°C, with a complete accuracy of ±0.15°C. The medium temperature range has 0.03°C stability with ±0.2°C complete accuracy. With a stability of 0.05°C, the high range model offers ±0.5°C accuracy.

CalNotePad software is included standard with the Isotech Fast-Cal dry block calibrator. This permits you to connect both an indicator and the calibration bath to a PC. You can view data on clear, configurable chart displays, log data to a file and control the calibration bath. I-Cal software (optional accessory) is also compatible with the Fast-Cal and can automatically calibrate up to 16 temperature sensors.

Calibrate temperatures from -30 to 1200°F in a rugged, stainless steel case


  • Low Temperature (-35 to +140°C)
  • Stability: 0.02°C
  • Accuracy: ±0.2°C (basic); ±0.15°C (complete)
  • Heating/Cooling Time: 15 minutes
  • Power: 150W
  • Medium Temperature (-30 to +350°C)
  • Stability: 0.03°C
  • Accuracy: ±0.3°C (basic); ±0.2°C (complete)
  • Heating Time: 15 minutes
  • Cooling Time: 40 minutes
  • Power: 750W
  • High Temperature (35 to +650°C)
  • Stability: 0.05°C
  • Accuracy: 1°C±0.5°C (basic); ±0.5°C (complete)
  • Heating/Cooling Time: 20 minutes
  • Power: 750W
  • Calibration Capacity: 148mm depth; 25 mm diameter

2 komentar:

  • Unknown says:
    7 Juni 2021 pukul 21.52

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    Perkenankan Kami dari  PT.PURARI MITRA RAPUNZEL  yang bergerakdibidang Sewa Undername Import dan Freight Forwarders, Air & Sea CargoService/Jasa Customs Clearance Barang Import bermaksud inginmenawarkan kerjasama dalam hal proses pengiriman barang import denganmenggunakan undername perusahaan kami serta proses kepabeanan barangimport baik yang masuk melalui Port atau pun Bandara.
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    Best Regards,Diki Darmawan
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    International Freight ForwardersJl. Raya Mabes Hankam No. 29
    Setu Cipayung TMII Jakarta Timur 13880

  • Unknown says:
    7 Juni 2021 pukul 21.53

    Dengan Hormat
    Perkenankan Kami dari  PT.PURARI MITRA RAPUNZEL  yang bergerakdibidang Sewa Undername Import dan Freight Forwarders, Air & Sea CargoService/Jasa Customs Clearance Barang Import bermaksud inginmenawarkan kerjasama dalam hal proses pengiriman barang import denganmenggunakan undername perusahaan kami serta proses kepabeanan barangimport baik yang masuk melalui Port atau pun Bandara.
    •  Customs Clearance Import (Resmi)
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    •  Undername / Consignee Export - Import
    •  Door To Door
    •  Domestics Transportation

    Kami berharap perkenalan ini dapat menjadi awal dari kerjasama yang baik dan saling menguntungkan bagi kedua belah pihak di masa yang akan datang.
    Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya, kami ucapkan terima kasih.

    Best Regards,Diki Darmawan
    WhatsApp  :  0813-8056-3931
    Tlp       : (021) 2187 2763
    Fax       : (021) 2867 9623
    Email     : diki.import@gmail.com
    Website  : www.purarimitrarapunzel.co.id

    International Freight ForwardersJl. Raya Mabes Hankam No. 29
    Setu Cipayung TMII Jakarta Timur 13880

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