Karya Nusatama: Jual KIMO CR100 Solarimeter

Jual KIMO CR100 Solarimeter


Solarimeter 2 wire transmits 0-10 V or 4-20 mA analogue signal proportional to the radiated solar power via the interface connected to a PLC or a data acquisition system


For a comprehensive product specification please view or download and print the Kimo CR 100-A Data Sheet or User Manual located in the Product Details pane on the Product tab. Please contact one of our customer service specialists for a prompt response for any additional information that you may require. Please remember that we are here to help you!


This product is obtainable direct from InstrumentCatalog™ at www.InstrumentCatalog.com.au
or by calling +61 8 7200 4511


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Please click to view, download or print the Brochure, Data Sheets, User Manuals or Video for this product. Please note that not all products have all linked Downloads associated with them.

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