Karya Nusatama: Jual NeW GE UPSIII Loop Calibrator

Jual NeW GE UPSIII Loop Calibrator

UPS III - Loop Calibrator for mA & V
GE's UPS III is a high accuracy loop calibrator. Its size makes it rugged and extremely compact. Measuring 3” x 5” and weighing just 9.7 ounces, it fits comfortably in a shirt pocket.

It is an essential tool for loop testing, instrument maintenance and valve set-up, with an easy to read display and simple to use time saving features.

Features and Benefits

  • Measure or Source 0 to 24 mA
  • Accuracy 0.01% of reading
  • Dual mA and % readout, linear or flow
  • Step, Span Check, Valve Check, Ramp
  • 6 VDC measurement and continuity
  • HART® compatible

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