Karya Nusatama: Riseller Kimo AMI-310

Riseller Kimo AMI-310


AMI 310 measures, records up to 500 campaigns of 20000 points a day on a SD card and can restaure on PC via USB until 6 simultaneous parameters according to the applications: Pressure, Temperature (Pt100 and thermocouple), Humidity, Air Quality ( CO / CO2), Air Velocity and Airflow (vane probes and hotwire), Tachometry.

Precise and friendly, AMI 310 have a big color display to simplify the navigation in menus.

A Li-ion rechargeable battery (via sector or USB), gets an autonomy of 16 hours with the pressure module.

All probes and modules of our new range are compatible with AMI 310 and are automatically recognized by the device (SMART 2014 system)

AMI 310 can easily be transformed into micromanometer, thermo-hygrometer, co-meter or thermometer.

Measure probes

  1. Pressure module
  2. Hotwire
  3. Vane probe Ø 70 and 100 mm
  4. Vane probe Ø 14 mm
  5. Hygrometry / Temperature probe
  6. K,J,T class1 thermocouple probes
  7. Pt100 Smart-plus probe
  8. Climatic conditions module
  9. Air quality probes
  10. Multifunction probe
  11. Omnidirectionnal probe
  12. Tachometry probe
  13. Gas leak probe

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